M2M Connect
Modems, Gateways and Routers for Wireless M2M connectivity applications.
M2M Connect
Modems, Gateways and Routers for Wireless M2M connectivity applications.
Latest low-power Gateways provide always-available wireless connectivity, making off-grid and renewable-energy powered solutions a reality.
Read More »Latest low-power Gateways provide always-available wireless connectivity, making off-grid and renewable-energy powered solutions a reality.
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We provide solutions, technical advice and support to enable our customers to get their remote assets communicating. Call it Industrial Machine to Machine, M2M or IoT, this is all we do. Wireless Modems, Gateways and Routers, together with associated cloud services from a range of global leading manufacturers.
M2M Connect Ltd are approved distributors for each of the suppliers we represent. Our focus is on providing the hardware devices together required accessories, configuration or customisation as necessary to get your systems communicating ‘end-to-end’.
Cellular Modem Terminals with Serial, USB and Ethernet interfaces for the latest applications in M2M & IoT. With GPIOs & support for Java programming…
Gateways provide an always-available link for host devices with no in-built capability to manage a traditional Modem. With very low power operation Gateways…
Cellular and Wireline Routers deliver dependable always-available internet communications for Machine to Machine applications. Single and dual radio…
Extensive list of additional interfaces including Serial RS232 + 485, GPS & GPIO with analog input. Supports Robustel RCMS free device monitorting, device management & easy-VPN connectivity options.
Latest Industrial-Lite Router delivers full features at amazing price point for M2M & IoT/sensor markets. Regional & Global versions optimise deployment costs for all users.
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M2M Connect Ltd
Wireless Modems, Gateways, Routers, Accessories
4G/LTE, Wireless LAN, Bluetooth, GPS
Product suppy, Support, Pre-configuration & test, kitting
For further information please contact us
1 Roundbush Cottage, Hawcross
Redmarley, Gloucester GL19 3JQ
Phone: +44 (0)121 245 5222
E-mail: info(@)m2mconnect.co.uk
Website: https://www.m2mconnect.co.uk